Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Windows 10 How to get Office in 2020

This is a total legal way of getting Microsoft Office 365 for free. It includes our favourite apps like Microsoft Word, Microsft Excel, Powerpoint, One Note and more like that. There is still Premium version available for download at Microsoft Office Website and yes that will cost you money. This on the other hand is a free version that you can use without any subscription.

How did Office become my integral part?

My first interaction with Microsoft Office was when I first got hook up with a Computer. History of Personal Computers goes far back in the nintys. I was probably eight or nine years of old. And my father brought home this machine which caught my eyes right at first sight. The love has been going smooth since then. I remeber using Paint and Word at that time. It was a fasicnating experience. And it showed movies like Terminator and Titanic; wonder movies of that time. It was quite obvious that a young child would fall for this beauty without any hurdles. So it happened.

This friendship and love has been zigzaging and we both have grown much. I happened to become a doctor and have responsibilites that keep me away from Computers. It has grown out of my reach too with so many data and new apps sprouting every single day. But after so long, even this day the happiness and the calmness that the Traditional Office brings back to my heart is not present in the new fancy apps.

Its 2020, year of great despair, year of Corona Pandemic and I got free time to search and write. I got plenty of time to mesmerize myself again in the splendid memories of the past. I wanted to use Microsoft Office again. And I was amazed to find how mature it has grown with time just like us. So I made a tutorial and got it uploaded on Youtube. Link is in the post. 

What are the New Things about Office?

A lot has changed. The most significant change was the Online feature that was not common in the nintys. Since the clouds have come into origin, saving data has become so easy and safe at the same time. I observered; and this is just my observation and it shouldn't be used as a generalization principle, that saving data and sharing it with your colleagues and friends has become fast like lightning. It has become real time dealing with your colleagues and finalizing data and communicating the progress of the projects.

2nd thing is the interface. It has become a lot friendly and approachable as compared to past. Dictionary, Auto-edit, writing styles, paragraphing has become more beautiful and fluent.

Comment Feature: Its a good addition. Will be quite helpful in combined projects management.

What more to Expect from Office?

Microsoft Office is providing a hecty useful office tools. What I look for and desire is a light app that can work out heavy duty. There are lot of apps; the most favourite that I use is Evernote. It has taken me like a surprise and has covered the place of my personal diary.
I see Office turning into something that comes from the mixture of Evernote and Word Typing.That would be wonderful.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Windows 10 How to Unzip a File using Winrar

I found this video tutorial really helpful. We have zip and rar files that do not open with regular Windows softwares. Winrar helps here. Step to Step guide about open such files.

What are Zip Files?
Lets make ourselves move a little back in time. Before the zip files, there used to be briefcases. Yes! you read it right. Windows started this feature probably in Windows XP. The briefcases worked exactly what you would expect form a natural briefcase. They kept your documents and files safe inside and then put a zip over it. So that documents dont spill out while you are doing other work. I see Zip files as the updated version of those briefcases.  Though, it were third party softwares that started this culture but Microsft followed soon after. Now you can make and open zip files in windows easily.

Do we even need them?
Yes. The answer is simple. They are extra security. They are pretty handful if you want to share your data. And stop wandering viruses and bacterias to harm your useful data. They are handsome packing for your crucial information.

I downloaded a file and its format is .zip/.rar. What to do now?
There are numerous ways to deal with that. First of all try to open in with your windows explorer. Mostly that will work fine. However, if you wish to use third party softwares.There are many too; the one I have been using since long and would like to recommend is Winrar. The video is above there. Look it out. Experiment it. Play with it. Download it from the web. And use it. Its that simple.

Does a Zip only can save my crucial legal documents?
Probably not. But you can add Passwords to your zip files. Yes now it is safe. It is not easy to open these files even the quite smart handpickers will fail to open it. And thats something quite useful and handy for us.

I have a Zip file. How to Unzip it?
Get winrar first. Download it and Install it. Right clicking your zip file will open up menu. This menu will help  you to extract documents from the zip file. There are multiple options there. You can choose:
    1. To extract files right there in the folder you are present.
    2. To extract files in a folder with the name same as the zip file.
    3. To extact files in a user specified area with a user specified name folder.

Should I delete the zip file after extracting?
It's upto you. You can save it and delete it as you wish. If you want to keep a safe copy; probably keep a backup folder and move it there, For the rest of files, do as you wish. Its totally over you.